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Flower Care

How to care for your flowers

Want to know how to make your flowers last longer? Forget the old wives' tales and follow these top flower care tips from our expert florists.

Flower Tip #1

Remove all packaging and trim 1/2”-1” from the stems at an angle. Use shears or a sharp knife for a clean cut.

Flower Tip #2

Place flowers in a clean vase and fill halfway with fresh water. Add flower food to minimize the growth of bacteria in the water.

Flower Tip #3

To ensure the water stays clean, remove any leaves or foliage from the stems that fall under the waterline.

Flower Tip #4

Place your flowers away from direct sunlight and heat. Avoid placing flowers besides ripening fruit or vegetables.

Flower Tip #5

Change the water and trim the stems every 1-2 days. Keep an eye on the water level and replenish as needed.

Flower Tip #6

Remove wilted blooms and leaves out as they occur to keep the remaining blooms fresher for longer.

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